Village of Danville Zoning Complaint Form Instructions

Should you our citizens have zoning concerns, that you want brought to our attention, please feel free to fill out our Complaint Form. You can access this form by clicking the COMPLAINT FORM tab below. This form allows you to share your concerns with us. You may download the form from our website and fill it out. After filling the form out, you may drop the form off at the Danville Municipal Building at 512 South Market Street, mail it to us at the address listed below, or upload the form back onto your computer and email it to us at the email address listed below.

Thank you and it is our utmost goal to develop a working relationship with you so that all citizens of our community have an input that will achieve a community we all desire to live in.

Danville Zoning Administrator

Todd Bender

P. O. Box W

Danville, OH. 43014

Ph. 740-599-6888



Zoning Planning Board

Deb Ridgeway

Jeff Furay

Deb Payne

Missy Duncan

Kyle Hughes

Joe Mazzari


• Click here for the COMPLAINT FORM