Employment with Danville Police Department

We are Hiring! Police Officer Position Opening. The Danville Police Department is hiring a police officer for an open position on the police road patrol unit. Shift will be a 40-hr. week during late evenings through early morning hours. If you have your Ohio Peace Officer’s Certification and are looking to expand your career, join our team! The starting rate of pay will be $24.00 to $27.00 per hour depending on your LE experience. Benefits include eleven paid holidays per year, can earn sick time, 95% paid health care, full paid eye and dental, and two weeks of paid vacation after one year of full-time employment. There will be a one-year probationary period. Applicants must be US citizens and be at least 21 years of age. Must have a valid Ohio driver’s license. Have a High School Diploma or its equivalent. Have a valid Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy certification. Have no felony record or family violence convictions. The hiring process may involve, but is not limited to, a background investigation, a medical examination, a psychological examination, a polygraph, and/or a stress analyzer examination. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled and may be picked up and dropped off or mailed to the Danville Municipal Building from 8 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday. Address: 512 South Market Street, Danville, Ohio 43014. Attn. Chief Monte Vance.

We are also accepting applications/resumes for volunteer auxiliary officers. Applications may be picked up/dropped off/mailed to the Danville Police Department, 512 South Market Street, Danville, Ohio 43014 Attn. Chief Monte Vance.

The Village of Danville is an Equal-Employment Opportunity Employer.